
To Encourage the feminine heart along lifes journey

Walk The Word..” Every Step Of The Way”


” Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be be discouraged, for The Lord your God will be with you where ever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Q. How does the assurance of Gods presence make a difference for you in facing the difficulties in your life?
Sometimes this is really, really hard to do. Well it is for me anyway, surely I’m not alone! There are times when all of my strength and any sense of courage feel as though they have drained completely away. A sense of foreboding slowly descends and fear whispers over me…..” You can’t handle any more, nothing is ever going to change, just give up , you may as well stop trying because it will never work out”, it is a slippery slope train of thought. The tracks lead in the opposite direction to Gods promise. ” For The Lord your God will be with you where ever you go”. Whilst ever I am focussing on the negatives, relying on my own strength , I fail to see that I don’t have to manage all these things. I only need to put my trust in Him and rest in His strength . I’m a bit of a slow learner at times. I can testify from experience, during seasons of trial when I haven’t lost the plot and relied on Him, traversing the drama has been a lot less traumatic, not only for me but for those around me as well.
I need to make a daily conscious choice to trust and rely on the assurance that He is present with me every step of the way and when my feet falter, He will be the steadying presence…” I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me” 

Author: sistainarms

6 thoughts on “Walk The Word..” Every Step Of The Way”

  1. Maybe one of my most repeated verses to myself when facing a crisis is the one at the end of your post…” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”…Diane

  2. Thanks for the scripture and the thoughts! I confess, I too am guilty of giving into fear and frustration, giving up and feeling defeated too easily sometimes. It’s always important to remind each other God is in control if we just trust and believe, just as you have done here. And God always gives us that gentle nudge in our gut when we forget. 🙂

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