
To Encourage the feminine heart along lifes journey



Well, it’s that time of the year again…..January…….New Year Resolutions.
We’ve all made them, in the excitement and anticipation of a fresh start, we pledge ourselves to pursuing the promises we have made to better our person and life. And we all know where those lofty ambitions culminate, in disappointment and overwhelming feelings of failure……yet again.
What does your New Year Resolution list look like ?
What does it encompass and where does God fit in the order of things?
Is it all about you and your capacity to change, improve and motivate yourself? What is at the top of your list and where will your help come from?
In Haggai 1:5-7 God asks the question…….This is what The Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you! You have planted much but harvested little. You have food to eat but not enough to fill you up. You have wine to drink but not enough to satisfy your thirst. You have clothing to wear but not enough to keep you warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes! This is what The Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you!
Perhaps the reason our Resolutions end up on the heap of disappointment is not because they are wrong or unworthy of success, but because we have them in the wrong order !
Where does your help come from? Are you running your life on empty, where are you sourcing your fuel? 
Rearrange your list , first and foremost place God at the top. His word will fill you to overflowing, an unending fuel supply. Pray about the areas in your life that need an overhaul, Worship Him and let your dreams and aspirations be known, Give of yourself to Him and others and your mounting heap of disappointments will begin to diminish as you live in His strength and not your own.
” Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and Thank Him for all that He has done.” Philippians 4:6
For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Philippians 4:13
Let this be your New Year Resolution, its a sure winner.